A Musical Adventure in Phoenix!
Ever thought about exploring the Phoe nix region and taking in new, interesting sights and sounds? Luckily, you can achieve both with a visit over to its Musical Instrument Museum! This spectacular museum hosts an exciting display of diverse instruments for visitors to experience and explore. Music is cemented through a rich of colorful backgrounds and cultures and this museum looks to highlight that through the hundreds of rich instruments that take center stage in each exhibit. Through s tate-of-the-art interactive media, guests can see distinct kinds of instruments, hear their sounds, and observe them being played in their original contexts. For anyone with children who are curious about music, or if you’re just an old-school music fan, this is the perfect opportunity to really strike out and experience the full scope of sounds that music has to offer! The different exhibits offer plenty of tasteful representations of the biggest genres of music around, with plent...