Vaccine Season Has Arrived In the Houston Medical Districts!

 The time has finally arrived for Houstonians.

Slowly, but surely, we’re moving closer and closer towards the end of Covid-19. Naturally, things will take a long time to set themselves back in order. But the good news is that we’re almost out of the woods. With the Covid vaccine now available for early circulation, at least to a certain degree, residents living near top Houston medical districts can rest easy knowing that hope is brimming steadily on the horizon.

It hasn’t been an easy year for Houstonians, especially with all the craziness that’s been going on thanks to the pandemic. The brand new Pfizer vaccine hopes to curtail any further pandemic-anxieties by helping people build immunity to the virus without getting sick. Word is, based on some research I’ve done, that nearly 95,000 doses of the vaccine are headed to the hospitals across the state, with the vaccine headed to the remaining 86 medical sites to begin shipping later in the week. Among the state hospitals in Houston that are expected to receive the vaccine, here are some notable locations:

  • MD Anderson Cancer Center

  • Texas Children’s Hospital Main

  • LBJ Hospital

  • CHI St. Luke’s Health

  • Memorial Hermann Texas Medical Center

  • Ben Taub General Hospital

And more to come in the coming weeks. So far, these listed sites are all major medical locations within the city. While the details of who has first pick of the vaccine, residents living near these areas can still feel a bit safer knowing they’ll be well within reach when it is their turn. Apartment residents near the Eastex/Jensen region will be closer to LBJ Hospital, of course, but the main place to watch is the main Texas Medical Center. Apartment Residents living up to twenty minutes away (Diamond Hill, Barcelona, Heritage, etc.), need to prepare for the high degree of traffic that will come when the vaccine becomes available in high demand. If you’re staying in nearby hotels or elderly communities near the Medical Center district, I’d say you’re in a pretty good spot. Just expect things to get a little wild once everyone starts showing up at once.

Remember that until the vaccine becomes more widely circulated to continue taking special social distancing precautions. Wash your hands, folks! I can’t stress that enough. Stay safe out there and stay alert! As for yours truly, I’m going to keep watch over what’s going on. You can count on the Texas Trotter to always be in the know!


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