Riding Out The Storm: Cool Heads Prevail For These Houston Apartments!

After a week of hardship, cold, and unprecedented weather conditions, we have finally made it out to see the sun once more! 

Houston has faced its fair share of weather nightmares in the past. But when it came to this new and terrible 2021 freeze, we faced many major challenges. It was certainly a force to be reckoned with and we can all hope that none of us ever have to experience it ever again. I know I certainly didn’t enjoy it--no power, water, or internet was definitely far from fun or relaxing. And with so many Houston residents going through all that and worse, I have nothing but respect and admiration for those who managed to face the harshness of the winter conditions with courage and fortitude. Make no mistake, every single Texan who experienced this great freeze is a hero in my eyes and I sincerely hope that we’re all able to enjoy some warm temperatures and safe comforts in the days ahead.

For Houston apartment residents, I’ve been following their stories very closely this past week, keeping tabs on all residents who experienced the full throttle of what this freeze had to offer. And, while I know things got pretty hairy for so many innocent civilians, I’ve heard many good things as well. Some of my favorite Karya-owned Houston properties--Barcelona, the Broadmead, Capewood, and Champions Green to name a few--were all reportedly very attentive and engaged with helping their residents during the storm. Their perseverance, along with the perseverance of so many other brave Houston residents, is what was truly needed as we faced down the storm together.

And while I know that conditions were far from ideal for so many of us, it feels good to know that we all fought the storm as a single unit, looking out for each other every step of the way. That’s what’s so great about Houston! There’s really a major sense of community and care for your fellow man, even during unnatural weather conditions. It’s a great city to live in despite what’s recently taken place and I commend its residences and citizens for taking charge during a storm of a lifetime.

We still have a long way to go and a lot of work to do. There will come a time when questions will need answers so that something like this never happens again. But I’m confident that we will continue to move forward as we can enjoy the coming emergence of summer in the far future. 

To all you amazing Houstonians, you are all in my heart and in my mind. I hope you’re recovering and enjoying some much-needed rest. I think after last week, we ALL deserve a break. Stay warm and stay safe!


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