Dinosaur Delights Near Dallas!

For as long as I can remember, I think I’ve always wanted to pet and interact with a real live dinosaur. Childhood ambitions aside, there’s just something awe-inspiring about the potential to see these legendary giants up close!  

That’s ultimately great news if you’re a Dallas resident, specifically if you’re a parent with kids who are just as gaga over dinosaurs as I was at that age. In the nearby city of Coppell, the Coppell Arts Center will be hosting its Dinosaur Zoo Live experience! This event gives kids the opportunity of a lifetime with walking, breathing dinosaur puppets to fully interact with! Brought to life by a team of talented performers, these realistic puppets will fully immerse audiences in a live-action dino-fueled world! If you’re looking for a weekend outing with plenty of imagination and spectacular sights to see, this is definitely up your alley with some truly dynamic dinos to enjoy! 


Dallas has plenty of easy reach to all the best event locations, including places like Coppell! No matter where you are, whether it’s Downtown or on the outskirts, there’s always plenty of room for quick and speedy access to great local events in nearby cities. My personal favorite Dallas apartments include Chaparral, Surround, Bella Vida, and The Palace, as they always have what you need for great amenities and plenty of space.  


When it comes to this outing, however, there are plenty of reasons to stop by for a visit, especially if you’re excited to see just how amazing real dinosaurs can be in the flesh! I definitely recommend this event for anyone young at heart, or any of you science-geeks looking for a great adventure! If you’re looking for a great place to find tickets, I recommend visiting the event’s main website HERE. This event will be taking place on January 15th so I definitely recommend reserving your spot while you can! 


Embrace the joy of real dinosaurs with this fantastic prehistoric adventure! 


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